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Configuring electron-vite

Config File

When running electron-vite from the command line, electron-vite will automatically try to resolve a config file named electron.vite.config.js inside project root. The most basic config file looks like this:

// electron.vite.config.js
export default {
  main: {
    // vite config options
  preload: {
    // vite config options
  renderer: {
    // vite config options
// electron.vite.config.js
export default {
  main: {
    // vite config options
  preload: {
    // vite config options
  renderer: {
    // vite config options

You can also explicitly specify a config file to use with the --config CLI option (resolved relative to cwd):

electron-vite --config my-config.js
electron-vite --config my-config.js


electron-vite also supports config files suffixed with .ts, .mjs, .cjs, .mts and .cts.

Config Intellisense

Since electron-vite ships with TypeScript typings, you can leverage your IDE's intellisense with jsdoc type hints:

 * @type {import('electron-vite').UserConfig}
const config = {
  // ...

export default config
 * @type {import('electron-vite').UserConfig}
const config = {
  // ...

export default config

Alternatively, you can use the defineConfig helper which should provide intellisense without the need for jsdoc annotations:

import { defineConfig } from 'electron-vite'

export default defineConfig({
  main: {
    // ...
  preload: {
    // ...
  renderer: {
    // ...
import { defineConfig } from 'electron-vite'

export default defineConfig({
  main: {
    // ...
  preload: {
    // ...
  renderer: {
    // ...

Conditional Config

If the config needs to conditionally determine options based on the command (dev/serve or build), the mode (development or production) being used, it can export a function instead:

import { defineConfig } from 'electron-vite'

export default defineConfig(({ command, mode }) => {
  if (command === 'serve') {
    return {
      // dev specific config
      main: {
        // ...
      preload: {
        // ...
      renderer: {
        // ...
  } else {
    // command === 'build'
    return {
      // build specific config
import { defineConfig } from 'electron-vite'

export default defineConfig(({ command, mode }) => {
  if (command === 'serve') {
    return {
      // dev specific config
      main: {
        // ...
      preload: {
        // ...
      renderer: {
        // ...
  } else {
    // command === 'build'
    return {
      // build specific config

You can also use the defineViteConfig helper:

import { defineConfig, defineViteConfig } from 'electron-vite'

export default defineConfig({
  main: {
    // ...
  preload: {
    // ...
  renderer: defineViteConfig(({ command, mode }) => {
    if (command === 'dev') {
      return {
        // dev specific config
    } else {
      return {
        // build specific config
import { defineConfig, defineViteConfig } from 'electron-vite'

export default defineConfig({
  main: {
    // ...
  preload: {
    // ...
  renderer: defineViteConfig(({ command, mode }) => {
    if (command === 'dev') {
      return {
        // dev specific config
    } else {
      return {
        // build specific config


The defineViteConfig exports from Vite.

Environment Variables

Note that electron-vite doesn't load .env files by default as the files to load can only be determined after evaluating the electron-vite config. However, you can use the exported loadEnv helper to load the specific .env file if needed.

import { defineConfig, loadEnv } from 'electron-vite'

export default defineConfig(({ command, mode }) => {
  // Load env file based on `mode` in the current working directory.
  // By default, only env variables prefixed with `MAIN_VITE_`,
  // `PRELOAD_VITE_` and `RENDERER_VITE_` are loaded,
  // unless the third parameter `prefixes` is changed.
  const env = loadEnv(mode)
  return {
    // electron-vite config
import { defineConfig, loadEnv } from 'electron-vite'

export default defineConfig(({ command, mode }) => {
  // Load env file based on `mode` in the current working directory.
  // By default, only env variables prefixed with `MAIN_VITE_`,
  // `PRELOAD_VITE_` and `RENDERER_VITE_` are loaded,
  // unless the third parameter `prefixes` is changed.
  const env = loadEnv(mode)
  return {
    // electron-vite config

Built-in Config

Built-in Config for main:

build.targetnode*, automatically match Node compatible target for Electron (e.g. Electron 20 is node16.15)
build.outDirout\main (relative to project root)
build.lib.entrysrc\main\{index|main}.{js|ts|mjs|cjs}, empty string if not found
build.lib.formatscjs or es, es is only supported on electron 28+
build.reportCompressedSizefalse, disable gzip-compressed size reporting, increase build performance
build.rollupOptions.externalelectron and all node built-in modules
build.copyPublicDirfalse, alway
build.ssrtrue, alway
build.ssrEmitAssetstrue, alway
ssr.noExternaltrue, alway
resolve.browserFieldfalse, disable resolving to browser field
resolve.mainFields['module', 'jsnext:main', 'jsnext']
resolve.conditions['node'], first resolve require exports
envPrefixMAIN_VITE_ and VITE_

Built-in Config for preload:

build.targetnode*, automatically match Node compatible target for Electron (e.g. Electron 20 is node16.15)
build.outDirout\preload (relative to project root)
build.lib.entrysrc\preload\{index|preload}.{js|ts|mjs|cjs}, empty string if not found
build.lib.formatscjs or es, es is only supported on electron 28+
build.reportCompressedSizefalse, disable gzip-compressed size reporting, increase build performance
build.rollupOptions.externalelectron and all node built-in modules
build.copyPublicDirfalse, alway
build.ssrtrue, alway
build.ssrEmitAssetstrue, alway
ssr.noExternaltrue, alway
envPrefixPRELOAD_VITE_ and VITE_

Built-in Config for renderer:

build.targetchrome*, automatically match Chrome compatible target for Electron (e.g. Electron 20 is chrome104)
build.outDirout\renderer (relative to project root)
build.rollupOptions.input\src\renderer\index.html, empty string if not found
build.modulePreload.polyfillfalse, there is no need to polyfill Module Preload for the Electron renderers
build.reportCompressedSizefalse, disable gzip-compressed size reporting, increase build performance

Vite Config Reference

See Vite config.

Released under the MIT License